The power supply R1155

Now the time has come to build the power supply.

I am using here an existing  frame  from the power supply from the paraset.
After I removed the transformer what was present in that frame I build in a transformer capable coping with that load. Adding to that a choke and an output transformer and valve.

To How construct a transformer you find all the details under that heading off my page.

The resistor for -30 volt is not present yet.
The wiring connection for for the LF stage has still to be made.

The valves are EZ81 and EL95.
EL95 has an impedance from 10K.

There is an modification made on the power supply that the paraset and the R1155 can be connected.

Testing the power supply.

And all so  a potentiometer is now added so that I am able to have more control on the output signal.